IULH World Championship Show on 24/06/2023.
BOB Skjærgaardens Gutten til Far, BOS Family Gold Leon Eshinka.
Click here for all results.
NLBK Club show on 25/06/2023
BOB La Dolce Luna’s Unity Beloved For M., BOS Rosaceae Oreocereus
Click here for all results.
More Photos will follow soon.
Saturday: 24.06.2023
Judging starts at 09.00 and is judged in this order:
Newfoundland is judged by Petra Junehall
Leonberger males is judged by Francesca Mavilla
Leonberger bitch is judged by Agi Hejja
Breeding and progency classes are judged by Fransceca Mavilla
BOB: Agi Hejja
There will also be an award for the exhibition’s best head and best movements, which
will be done together (Leonberger only).
Male dogs and bitches are placed in the same ring, so that you have the opportunity to
follow all the classes.
Sunday 25/06/2023
Judging starts: 09.00 and is judged in this order.
Newfoundlanders are judged by Thomas Walker
Leonberger males: Thomas Walker
Leonberger bitch: Michelle Ute Ramsing
Breeder and progency classes: Thomas Walker
BOB / BIM Michelle Ute Ramsing
Statistics for the number of registrants can be found in the PM.
Those who have registered manually can collect their number slips from the secretariat.
Those who haven`t paid yet must pay when they collect the number
On Saturday evening, we at the club want to have a joint dinner. We have ordered
chicken skewers and chicken burgers N’duja with side dishes.
The price for this is 150 NOK.
Send an email to: if you would like to participate
To find the exhibition space, follow the signs for Hamresanden Camping and Resort.
Drive past the reception and you will come to a car park. The exhibition is held on a
grassy area next to a gray house.
Remember to bring water for the dog, it can get hot!
We are looking forward to a pleasant dog weekend at Hamresanden!
Judge statistics saturday:
Judge statistics Sunday:
Several sponsors donate prizes for the placed dogs.
Very good news:
The German CAC (Club) will also be awarded on the NLBK Specialty show on the 25th.
So you can win Norwegian CAC and German CAC(Club) on both shows.
Dogs that are already champion in another country need only 1 Norwegian CAC to become Norwegian champion.
Click here for the rules of German Club Champion
Presentation judge Michele Utke Ramsing published.
Click here
All exhibitors will receive a pot of Hugos
Thomas Walker accepted the invitation to judge Newfoundlands , and to be backup judge for the IULH World Championship on Saturday, the 24th June.
The judges have accepted the invitations.
This dedicated website for the two shows was created.